In Praise of Chicken Feet

6 min readJun 10, 2020

Bone broth and you!

I follow a paleo diet. I’ve been doing that since 2009. I’ve made changes along the way. Currently, I follow a keto diet. In particular, the Wahls Paleo Protocol.

One of the recommendations that Dr. Wahls makes is to have bone broth every day.

At first, I thought, meh. That’s too much work.

However, my best friend gave me an Instant Pot for a house warming gift, and that has made all the difference in the world.

There are tons of articles about why to drink bone broth. It’s supposedly good for your skin, your joints, your gut, your bones, your mood, your muscles, and it will help you lose weight!

I call bull-hockey.

All these studies show is that there are certain amino acids and minerals that are supposedly found in bone broth, and those same amino acids are good for you. As I am making bone broth at home, the amounts of those amino acids and minerals are going to vary widely.

I still drink it every day.

As I am not a scientist, and nor do I play one on TV, I can only tell you of my experience of drinking it every day, and how I, personally feel.

Skin: There is no doubt in my mind that the bone broth I drink is good for my skin. I can tell the…




Leah Cutter sold her first short story back in 1997, and continues to write and sell both her fiction and non-fiction. She supports herself with her writing.